Friday, March 6, 2020

Volunteer Tutors Share Impact Of Tutoring

Volunteer Tutors Share Impact Of Tutoring Volunteer Tutors Share Impact Of Tutoring Volunteer Tutors Share Impact Of Tutoring September 2, 2015 Please watch this 90-second video to hear firsthand accounts of Heart Math Tutoring from the program’s volunteer tutors, students and educators. In 2015-16, Heart will serve 350 elementary students in seven Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. “This is our opportunity to give back to kids, the future â€" a chance to give back… one hour per week â€" what you see out of these kids, it’s well worth it,” â€" Chris Gialanella, second year #VolunteerWithHeart. “Selfishly for me what I would share is that it’s the best of starting of starting my week getting to come into an elementary school and be able to measure the impact of just 30 minutes of my time on one kid? That’s tremendous.” â€" Sheila Wheeler, sixth year #VolunteerWithHeart. Sign up now to become a tutor for one hour a week, please click here for more information.

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